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Why Jesus Why do you cry?

I was walking on a sunny day
And a tear drop fell from outer space
I looked up, but the sky was bright
There was no rain; not a cloud in sight

I was walking on a sunny day
And a little tear drop hit my face
The sky became much brighter than before
And I asked, "Jesus, is this tear drop yours?"

I was walking on a sunny day
Trying to wipe the tear drops away
Jesus was crying for this world below
He was crying for all the lost souls

Walk With Me

My friend and I were sitting at the table
We were talking over things we'd seen and done
When I saw a lone tear stream down her face
So I asked her then to tell me what was wrong

I saw her hesitate for just a moment
Then with a shaking voice she went on to say
I've been so afraid to talk about this
Cause as a friend I couldn't bear you to turn me away

She said, "If you died today do you know you'd go to heaven?
Have you thought much about eternity?
Have you asked the Lord to be your Saviour?
So that when we walk the golden streets you will walk with me."

She went on to say that we are all born sinners
And just being good won't help you or me
That if we don't take Jesus as our Saviour
An eternity in hell is where we'll be

We just have to realize and ask forgiveness
Then ask Jesus to come into our heart
From that point we'll forever be His children
Cause to Him that point is where our life will start

She said, "If you died today do you know you'd go to heaven?
Have you thought much about eternity?
Have you asked the Lord to be your Saviour?
So that when we walk the golden streets you will walk with me."




This is me Meagin